QDH Hazy Triple IPA / 9.0% ABV
w/El Dorado, El Dorado CGX, Mosaic, Mosaic CRYO, Nelson Sauvin, Nelson Sauvin CGX, Strata, Strata CGX & El Dorado Incognito
これまでにも少し触れたことがあることを、覚えているだろうか?Nemesisそして若きDark Prodigyであった彼の、亡き祖母を。自らが犠牲となり、脅威なる悪からHop Dude一族を守り抜いた彼女のことを。「すべてを失ってもいい。」かつてない猛威に命を賭し闇を食い止めたお陰で、泰平の世がもたらされ、誰もが今はビールを楽しむことができている。
It was always going to be a unique, amped up crazy hazy to honor Ultima, the 7th in the line of Full Hop Alchemists—she known as perhaps the greatest but more importantly as the Hop Dude who gave her own life to save and preserve their way of life as we know it today. Two generations removed from her sacrifice to close the Gateway and repel a seemingly unstoppable enemy, Hop Dudes find themselves in the throes of a celebration to commemorate their Mochimune restart—and so we were thinking what better way to do that than with a QDH (4x) Hazy Triple, right out of the Book of the Oracle. Pick an IPA hop. The Hop Library lost a little weight with this one, with boxes upon boxes of Nelson, Mosaic, Strata and El Dorado finding their way into the mix. This is by far our boldest free thiol incendiary device created to date, and despite that (not-so-subtle) reference to heat/burn it isn’t quite as prevalent as you would think for THIS kind of DH volume. Grapefruit leads the citrus charge with mango notes included—and the explosion you expect comes through full stop in a pineapple/orange/grapefruit rush of dankness.