Hop Paradise
NZ Hop Pale Ale / 6.0% ABV
w/Cascade, Waimea & Maui Nelson Kief
WCBファンにはお馴染み、我々が心から信頼を寄せるNZのホップファーム「Freestyle Hops」のホップだけを使った『Hop Paradise』。
Hop Dude in New Zealand. 世界随一の豊かなホップ産業の賜物であるこの国では、ファームへと向かう道中に出合った標識ですら、我らホップラヴァーの心を弾ませる喜びの地。(左に行ったらNelson、右に行ったらMotueka……?! ※実話)
採れたてのホップが生み出す豊かな香りは、我々が初めてこの場所へ足を踏み入れた時に受けた何よりもの衝撃。ボイル・ドライホップ共に、厳選したWaimeaとCascadeを使用し、さらに今回はMaui NelsonのHop Kiefも追加投入!
We were thinking about doing this beer in March, every morning on our short drive from Mapua over to Freestyle. There is something magical about that pocket of land between Nelson and Motueka—the people, the passion, ofc the hops—autumn in NZ now quite literally lives rent free in our minds. Hop Paradise is enhanced by a blend of Freestyle NZ Cascade and Waimea, with enough hop flavor and aroma to tickle your hop itch yet not too much for a 6.0% pale ale. We want to be reminded of how special the people and place are that make these hops, the intent in every action, the TLC—and this is it. Laid back and welcoming, yet full of flavor and incredibly satisfying. That’s our pocket of land between Nelson and Motueka, the long days and seemingly endless blue skies guiding us on our way to visit folks who genuinely give a damn. And yes, Gareth and Grant hanging out of the car to get this photo are the icing on the cake.