The Collective: Choco - Raspberry
Sour DIPA / 8.0% ABV
w/Raspberry, Cacao, Coconut & Milk Sugar. Dry Hopped with Galaxy, Sabro & Sabro CRYO
若きHop Dudeたちが話題にあげない日はない。大きく寒風が吹き荒んでも、そっと暖かく包みこむ偉大な魔力。そう彼らこそ、次世代を担う異能集団こと“The Collective”。常識を覆し革命へと力を尽くす、混沌を極めた時代に現る未来への案内人。
数々のHop Dudeを虜にし興奮冷めやらぬ中、新たに才能を見出され加入した8人目『Choco - Raspberry』。誰をも恋に落とす?! 人々を魅了し狂わせる甘美な力は、光と闇の紙一重。
The 8th installment in our Sour DIPA series - say hello to Choco-Raspberry. Not to be outdone by their Hop Dude compatriats who are pushing high end keys beyond the Gateway, members of our secret underground society have finally put the finishing touches on their latest concoction.
Taking direct aim at the Nemesis' sweet tooth and his love for adjuncts, Choco-Raspberry is (jam-)packed with raspberry puree, cacao nibs and coconut milk. Each hit brings a different sensation, cacao adding a silky smooth component to match flavors ranging from pink guava to grapefruit to a subtle yet pronounced tart cherry vibe that is at once perhaps a touch overwhelming but very satisfying. Coconut milk is plused with DH additions of Sabro and Sabro CRYO and imparts a balanced hop bitterness to give it the IPA hint it deserves. The Collective absolutely smashed it with this latest version and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do.