The Gatekeeper Boss: 01
TDH Hazy IPA / 7.0% ABV
w/Strata & Moutere
“Dark Lab”を慌てて飛び出したHop Dude。極秘偵察の最中に知ってしまったのは、世界を覆すある計画。Hazyによって闇のエネルギーが増幅の一途をたどる今、Nemesisの計画を阻止することは彼らにとって必然だ。驚愕と恐怖を抱きながらも、不屈の闘志燃えたぎる勇者たちを集め、先へと向かった。
New Dungeon
The Dark Lab
The Nemesis and his gang of dark cohorts have established an impregnable stronghold in the Forbidden Land, within which they plot to purge the world of the Hop Dude and their mighty "Alchemist." Our Hop Heroes must assault this fortress, break the forces of Darkness and destroy the threat beyond the Gateway.
The Gatekeeper, once a legendary hero in the Alchemists' Hop Guard, has been blinded by the Nemesis' evil. Loyal to his new Master, he now holds the key our band of Hop Dudes must take to secure entry to the Dark Lab. This hazy IPA is triple dry hopped with a mix of Crosby Strata CGX and Indie Strata, perma-buffed with additions of NZ HopRev Moutere for maximum citrus/grapefruit sensory magic... aka a haste boost for higher HPS (because healing pugs is a nightmare right now).
**The Dark Lab is a new Hazy series for 2023. Join our Hop Heroes as they infiltrate the Nemesis' dark digs, down bosses, claim sigils and score loads of epix. Because it's literally all about epix. Bring your friends and bring on the hazies!