Party Stars
Hazy Double IPA / 8.5% ABV
w/Mosaic & Nelson Sauvin
WCB × Inkhorn Brewing
Special Collaboration!
小さな種蒔鳥によって導かれた蕾は、星の瞬きによって輝き、ホップとしての神秘な成長を遂げてきた。先祖代々、Hop Dudeたちによって言い伝えられ、今でも続く月夜の儀式は、ビールの仕上がりを左右する…という噂。
東京・目白『Inkhorn Brewing』との初コラボ!
それは彼らが持っていた憧れか、親しみか。いつからか気になっていた、自由に空を羽ばたく鳥。鳥たちは空から見ていた。用宗海岸で愉快に住まうHop Dudeを。
Pandemic settling down + spending time at events over the past couple of months = finally getting back into collaboration and exchange. Party Stars is our first collab with our friends at Inkhorn Brewing in Mejiro, featuring several changes to our typical IPA setup in the spirit of exploration and adventure. This journey into Hop Dude lore and secrets of the cosmos comes replete with Nelson CGX as well as additions of some of our favorite YCH Mosaic, for srsly quite possibly some of the dankest elixir we’ve ever created. Notes of citrus / orange / pink grapefruit and a pronounced bitterness provide a surprising aroma -> flavor sensory gap that is at once both fascinating and thought-provoking. Hop Dude legends tell of golden birds that can be seen among the stars, said to be messengers of the Hop Oracle and harbingers of hope and discovery. With dark days on the horizon and the Nemesis’ power ever-growing, could this be the sign our Hop Heroes have been waiting for? Or is it just another of the the Dark Side’s evil machinations?