Lupulin Trip
West Coast Double IPA / 8.0% ABV
w/Mosaic, Mosaic CRYO, Simcoe & Simcoe CRYO
AQ Bevolution 10th Anniversary
WCB × Knee Deep Brewing
Special Collaboration!!!!!!!!!!
Hop Dude meets Hoptologist🤝🏼
日本のクラフトビールシーンの礎を築き、海外ブルワリーの衝撃を幾度となくもたらしてきたインポーター『AQ Bevolution』。これまでの華麗なる功績と10周年にあたり、感謝の気持ちを込めたお祝いビールを造るため、とある“彼” に相談を持ちかけたHop Dudeたち。
そう、コラボレーションとしてタッグを組むのは、Hop Dudeも大好きなWest Coastスタイルの金字塔「Knee Deep Brewing」。今回は、看板ビールと名高い“Lupulin River”を、WCB流にアレンジを加え特別に再現しちゃった……!
静岡の北の北、安倍川上流から大量のホップと共に南下する、船頭Hop Dudeたち。彼らが師と仰ぐHoptologist先輩を道連れに、ホップにまみれた奔流を舟で下り、用宗へ着くころには完成するLupulin Trip。でも、、、勢いに乗ったコラボレーションは、まだまだこれから?
Collab WC Double IPA w/Knee Deep (Auburn, CA)
This week we celebrate 10 years (!) of AQ Bevolution - and in tribute we offer a Hop Dude riff on one the most iconic brews by one of their most iconic brands. Our Alchemist teamed up with the Hoptologist from Knee Deep Brewing to conjure up this absolute beast of a West Coast style Double IPA, jam-packed with Simcoe and Mosaic of various persuasions as well as a hit of Salvo for a hop accent that is uniquely WCB. This is a Dank Boi that has hints of orange/grapefruit peel-esque-ness, a chewy medium body, grassy/pine/woody feels, and a crazily well-balanced bitterness throughout. So, essentially everything you could possibly want from a WC Double IPA. Lupulin Trip celebrates the 10-year mark of an exciting journey crossing dangerous (international) waters and bringing people together through amazing brews. Congrats to Albert and Team AQ - this one’s for you.