Sour IPA / 7.5% ABV
w/Blueberry, Raspberry & Milk Sugar. Dry Hopped with Citra, Cascade & Talus
『BINGE』 2nd Anniversary.
Hop Dudeたちの鳴りやまない歓声と拍手をパークに置き去り、ストリートを駆け抜けて向かった先はいつものビアバー。今日こそ、名古屋最大のクラフトビールセレクトショップ『BINGE』さんの2周年を祝うSour IPAで乾杯決定!
This is only the beginning Hop Dudes. Craft beer in Japan has undergone a massive transformation over the past few years, with not only great brews but amazing people and memorable venues. Harbinger is a tribute to all 3 of those, celebrating 2 years of Binge Craft Beer in Nagoya - one of the Hop Dude’s favorite locations outside of the Shiz. Harbinger is a 7.5% Sour IPA filled to the brim with blueberry and raspberry purées, milk sugar and a literally exorbitant amount of CBD. The result is a multi-layered and complex drinking experience, the sweet/sour sensory of the fruit coupled with a balanced hop bitterness keeps you coming back for more. As they say, you get out what you put in. Binge is smashing it with their passion for beer and music, their energy and thoughtfulness perhaps only matched by the painstaking care our Hop Wizards take to make each brew the best it can possibly be. There’s a party starting in Nagoya - needless to say we’re stoked to be a part of it and seriously, its only up from here. Congrats!