His Dark Secrets
Imperial Stout / 11.5% ABV
w/Coffee & Vanilla
今日もHop Academyでは、多くのHop Dudeが未来のアルケミストになるべく切磋琢磨していた。Prodigyをはじめとする多くの優秀なDudeたちは、皆この学院の卒業生だ。
また、アカデミーのトップであるWhite Wizardの絶大なる影響力は、評議会も一目を置いている。
White Wizardは事態を収集すべく、自らその事件の調査にあたると声明を出す。それを聞いた多くのHop Dudeは、かつて昔に脅威とされた、“あの”Nemesisを退けたという伝説のDudeの力を見ることができると、俄に興奮していた。
※コーヒー豆は @crearcoffee_official から仕入れた、エチオピア「ニグセ・ゲメダ・ムデ」を使用。
Dark Magic has no place in the High Hop Council nor in the prestigious halls of the Hop Dude Academy. And yet there are rumblings and various sightings, tales of Black Books and Dark Prodigies, a reborn Nemesis and renewed power to enemies forgotten in far away “Forbidden Lands”. There are some who whisper the Darkness’ rise in influence coinciding with the White Wizard’s retirement from Full Hop Alchemist - a mantle he wore through countless battles with the Darkness, close encounters that may have slowly driven him astray. Others posit the change began when he took over as Headmaster of the Academy. He declines and claims to know nothing, the blabbering nonsense of senile Lupulin-crazed thiol magistrates. But does he hide a secret? Could he be at the heart of the Void’s recent uprising? And if so what vile plans does he have yet to carry out? The Council and the Academy are in grave danger, and not a single Hop Dude, even our mighty Alchemist will be ready for what comes next.