Brilliant Cut 2022
Hazy Double IPA / 8.0% ABV
w/Cashmere, Strata, Nelson Sauvin & Motueka
The Slop Shop 3rd Anniversary.
東京・目黒『The Slop Shop』3周年のお祝いに、今年も出ました!WCBの特別醸造Hazyが再び……!
考古学者のHop Dudeは幾多のトラップを潜り抜け、遂に伝説のグリーン・スカルとご対面。
果たして彼は、幻のクリスタルに記されるLiquid Gemsのレシピを、無事に持ち帰る事はできるのだろうか!?
Our Hop Hero is back for a sequel - partnering yet again with our friends @The Slop Shop, the search for the elusive Forbidden Jewel is afoot. In this exciting continuation of the Brilliant Cut Saga, familiar faces like Strata, Cashmere and Freestyle The Bruce (Nelson/Motueka Blend) come to aid our Hop Dude Adventurer on his quest into the Southern Hemisphere for renewed "fortune and glory". Will he find the melon and citrus hits he seeks? Just how creamy and silky are the rivers of New Zealand? Will our daring treasure-seeker bring home the precious stone in all of its hazy and tropical glory? Fortune favors the brave, dudes.